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I am still learning.

Sunday 8 July 2012

My Personal Learning History

We ought to write something about our personal learning histories. This is a rather wide subject to cover in one post but lets give it a go.

As a learner I have always been easily motivated. My mother has told me how I used to stop at every bush to find out what was hiding behind and under it. I think I lost my interest in bushes at quite young age, but the hunger for learning more than just what is on the surface still exists! 

The older I get the more I love finding an answer to the question why. (Yes, I know "the why age" is usually at 3..) This makes learning more fun but also more challenging. I find it really hard to "just get the credits" and not get too deep into the subject. Sometimes, for a busy mum, it would be wise just to do the minimum to get the credits. But that is not me.

I have always been a good student, not the best one in the class, but a good one. I have not got this easily, I have always had to work for good results. But that is fine by me. I believe that it has helped me to become a better adult student! Also Educational Science studies have showed me my strengths and weaknesses as a learner, and taught me to deal with them.

As an adult I have completed BBA and 60 credits in Educational Science (and other odd courses in different walks of life). I am also lucky to have an employee who supports me with my aims to develop my skills and gives me opportunities in taking different short courses.

So all in all - I have always loved expanding my little world. I am far away from being Einstein, but in my opinion learning requires more will and open attitude towards new things than brains.

I am still learning.

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